Tag: metal

Throwback: Happy 69th Birthday, Angus Young!

JOVM’s William Ruben Helms celebrates AC/DC’s Angus Young’s 69th birthday.

New Audio: Oklahoma City’s Taranis Shares Pummeling, Mosh Pit Friendly “Comply”

Formed back in 2021, the emerging Oklahoma City-based metal outfit Taranis— Caroline Deen (vocals), Tyler Casner (guitar), Asa Lake (bass) and Josiah Pringle (drums) — have played over 20 shows across the state of Oklahoma, while releasing three singles, including their latest one “Comply.”

“Comply” is a remarkably self-assured, forceful and downright pummeling, most pit friendly ripper featuring a vocalist, who is not only a force of nature, but who seems to be expressing the deep seated rage against a limiting, confusing and inequitable world that women have known forever. Play loud — and open up that pit!

New Video: Rat Mass Teams Up with Sami Michelsen on Feral “Holding Me Down”

Rat Mass — Ryan Taylor and Mitchell Sosebee — is a fairly mysterious, and emerging American metal duo, who frequently improvise to create heavy music with elements of ambient music and noise. The duo released their latest album Time Pulls The Trigger earlier this month, and the album’s first single, the PJ Harvey-meets-Chelsea Wolfe-meets Soundgarden-like “Holding Me Down” which features Sami Michelsen’s bluesy crooning and wailing over a menacing and scorching riffs, thunderous drumming within an arrangement that rapidly shifts time signatures and tempos.

The result is a song that feels and sounds feral, unpredictable, difficult to pigeonhole and wildly adventurous.

The accompanying video evokes — and seems inspired by our contemporary and seemingly unending hellscape of despair, protest, inequity, bloodshed and fire.